መንፈሳዊ ዕድገት | Spiritual Growth
💿 መንፈሳዊ እድገት
🎧 የ01:13:14 ሰዓት Mp3
💎 በሬቨረንድ ተዘራ ያሬድ
☆ ከእግዚአብሔር አፍ በሚወጣ አንድ ቃል ሕይወትዎ ለዘላለም ይለወጣል።
💿 መንፈሳዊ እድገት
🎧 የ01:13:14 ሰዓት Mp3
💎 በሬቨረንድ ተዘራ ያሬድ
☆ ከእግዚአብሔር አፍ በሚወጣ አንድ ቃል ሕይወትዎ ለዘላለም ይለወጣል።
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Leulseged –
I believe Christians must understand what true spiritual growth is so that they could know at which stage they are on and what they should do to step up to the growth they aspire to. Thanks!!!
zufan worku –
this app is so helping to me